Craft Hope Shop for Haiti ~ new on Etsy~ a call to all crafters~

craft hope for haiti
Update: The Craft Hope for Haiti etsy store is now up & running! Over 30 items sold and counting!
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” — Anne Frank
Craft Hope community, it is time to Craft Hope for Haiti. The devastation in Haiti is catastrophic and we can help. At the encouragement of many people we will be opening a Craft Hope Etsy shop to benefit Doctors Without Borders. We are growing by leaps and bounds and as needs arise we will rise up to meet them.
The Craft Hope Etsy shop will allow crafters to donate products and allow folks to purchase them. With 100% of the proceeds going to charity. Having seen, firsthand, the beautiful items you have created I know this can be one awesome charity shop. The dresses, sock monkeys, quilts, blankets, beanies, etc. that you have all created are incredible. I know many of you even have your own Etsy shop where you sell you’re items. This is a call for all things handmade. If you can make it, we will sell it to benefit Doctors Without Borders. If you have a handmade item you’d like to donate, please read the guidelines below.
Many people have asked how they can support Craft Hope and it’s charities if they can’t sew, knit, craft. Well, this is the way. You can shop in the Craft Hope Etsy shop, get a beautifully handmade item, and rest assured that the proceeds from your purchase will go to charity. It’s that simple.
Procedures and Guidelines for Craft Hope donations to Doctors Without Borders
Notify Sarah at that you would like to donate an item.
Provide a brief description of the item, as well as up to 3 photographs for the listing.
Price your item for a donation sale – the retail price you would normally charge for the item is probably the best price.
Please calculate and include the shipping cost in your price, so that Craft Hope does not need to segregate your shipping costs from the donation amount. The goal is that all funds, less Etsy fees, go directly to Doctor Without Borders. Craft Hope does not typically deal in cash donations and does not have systems in place to segregate shipping costs.
Your item will be listed in the Craft Hope store on for 2 weeks at its full price. After 2 weeks, the price will be cut by 20%. After 4 weeks, you will be given the option of cutting the price another 20% or removing the listing. Listings will be removed after 6 weeks.
At the time of sale, Sarah will notify you that the item needs to be shipped and provide all shipping information. Please ship all items within 3 days of notification. If you are selling a custom, made to order item then please ship within a week of receiving the custom details from the buyer.
Notify Sarah that the item has been shipped.
All items will be sold as non-returnable, given their fundraising status. Please make sure that all items are in retail sale condition and have been described clearly.
If there is further customer communication regarding shipping or condition of the item, please keep Craft Hope in the loop until there is resolution. We will assist however we are able in resolving any issues.
Update: There is currently a 24 hour turn around time on things getting listed. We are listing as fast as two mamas possibly can.
Today we are working diligently to get the shop set up and open. We’ll also have a button for you to put on your site very soon. Please spread the word that we are looking for donations. Also, we’ve set up a nifty way to share information from our site through Facebook, Twitter, etc. Try it out, it’s super duper cool! I will post a link to our Etsy shop as soon as it is open.
Thank you for all you do. You truly make the world a better place!
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