Words of Wisdom~Kathleens VERY COOL quilt and some magazines for sale~♥

One of my grand~daughters who is 5 years old and shall remain anonymous for Nana E reasons still occassionally will write on the walls.......she gets in trouble for this~ I can relate to this little girl and feel we are "kindred spirits." If the thought comes to mind and you have pen yet no paper, isn't that what a blank wall is for? This little girl will soon enough have her own space like her Nana and she can do as she pleases.....♥

 This is Kathleens VERY COOL quilt~I am in heaven quite frankly~She probably thinks I have moved or something radical has happened but no~it just took this long for the line to move~they are like relatives to me and must not be rushed...way cool,eh?
 chalk and me.....

 I have magazines galore that I will not read again and they are in pristine condition~I will place them on Etsy soon~♥


  1. When my son was little, I painted one of his walls in chalkboard paint so he could write on it to his hearts content. (That was before it was "hip" to do that! He's 31 now.) I'm with you. When an idea strikes, you have to do something! I keep paper nearby at all times!!

  2. Highly energetic blog, I loved that a lot. Could there be a part Two? http://www.exoticcarrental305.com


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