a DREAM state......

A sewing room compliments of IKEA~Oh the possibilities!!!!! I think I managed to pass my hand along every surface as I imagined what it would look like on RobinHill~I can't get over that BUILT IN lightbox on the drawing table........oh my........♥

I spy big "E"


  1. oh, I had to laugh! I was drooling enviously over your brand new, nifty sewing room, when I realized this was the *store* samples and you were drooling enviously also! :-)

  2. My thoughts?
    It doesn't have your warm homey cozy "stay and have some tea look"

  3. No Mom it has that "get down to business and get some of your projects finished" look to it!!lol! I really need to lean in THAT direction!!! But I know what you mean and that reminds me I think its time to put the kettle on.....
    ♥ E


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