Emma getting ready for her sleepover~♥

Emmas grandfather and I set up a bed right beside our bed so she can close her eyes at night with no worries~her older cousins don't mind sleeping in the loft but Emma would prefer something a little closer to me...lol! So to avoid some powerful kicks to my kidneys( when she sleeps with me...) my generous husband agreed to the above...♥ UPDATE!! So guess who slept in the little bed...and guess who was sprawled out in the middle of the queen bed (with her flashlight on)...Emma said, "I will sleep in my bed next time.....lol!


  1. oh how cute she will remember that forever.

  2. We did the same thing a few years ago. It worked perfectly! She was in the same room, but we were able to sleep without those dreaded kicks!

  3. She is so sweet. Love her Annie doll too.

  4. Wow! You are such a blessed Nana. I can't wait til I have grandkids. I hope some of them will live close enough to have sleep overs.

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