robinhillquilts1's photostream

006004008004003wool 002
005002001valentines quilt 001-001tara emma frans quilt 017tara emma frans quilt 014
tara emma frans quilt 022rugs2 001Quilty trees 003Quilty trees 004holidays 004woolie dogs 002
woolie dogs 001woolie dogs 006new cat Thursday 001new cat Thursday 002swag 001swag 004

Here is a peek at my quilting


  1. Your quilting is lovely! I just got a mid-arm (18"). How long did it take you to get this good. Do you use a stitch regulator?

    1. Thanks Jenny! I do have a stitch regulator and use it depending on the design. Be patient with your quilting, you never stop learning ! Just keep practicing and add new designs a bit at a time....I take classes every year at MQX East and am still on a learning curve for so many of the trends in quilting...Jenny you will find your style by watching others and lots of practice! E.

  2. Those are amazing photos, just stunning. I loved seeing them, thanks for sharing!

    1. Annie I have something for you! I have been thinking of you and will send you an e-mail! E Thank you for your kind words!

  3. As brother Bob would say, you are in the fudge stripe of the chocolate swirl ice cream!
    You have a beautiful portfolio of work!! Amazing to see it all together! : )
    Love your new picture at the top!
    Love, Beth : )


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