Rascals and Quitling...Is it possible?

I have the two most beautiful quilts that are next up for quilting alongside my two most beautiful 6 year  olds that are planning some really big things this week~ .....Hmmmmmm
This quilt top could be mine~ love the colors so much!!....It fits right in with my colors scheme eh?

 Baskets of LOVE on my quilt wall....my sewing blocks are making their way down the hall...lol! Pretty soon this entire house will be a sewing room...oh my...

 And here are the rascals....with thier big plans...."Its shopping day!" they said....."We need more drawing paper and some fancy dresses!" And you are out of orange juice" "can Grampy buy us cinnamon rolls?"

As any grandmother knows...this is how every day begins......right?
Taking a minute for a video....

 "Are you finished in your quilting room? Hahaha....


  1. The applique pots with the drooping flowers is from a pattern I have sitting here in front of me right now. I have three different patterns with versions of this pot block in mind and trying to decide which to start on. I like what you have pictured very much.

  2. I love your quilts, they are so pretty and so are the girls.

  3. Love your post. Awesome work on your "design wall". What a blessing to have those two cuties in your life. So cute!


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