"Simply Beautiful Colors" I highly recommend~♥

Saturday was spent reading "Simply Beautiful Colors" by Nancy Raybould and trying out her approach (with my sister-in-law) to dying all colors of wool using JUST 5 dyes!

It was the easiest~most streamlined system not to mention cost saving~♥

This is a sampling of the wool we dyed for WinterHill Woolens~

The jars are labeled with the 5 colors..

 The measuring spoons~which come with the book~ are at the ready..

 Read the instructions carefully one last time...

 Mix with boiling water...

 Ahhhhh~liquid gold.....

 and garnet...

 we had a beautiful sunny afternoon for drying~

 Perfect for summer strawberries~♥
You can order the book, the swatches, the dyes and the spoons in one order at www.pioneerprimitives.com
I would HIGHLY recommend this book and this system of dying for new and "seasoned" rug hookers...It takes the worry OUT and puts the fun back INto the process! I sound like a paid advertisement~but I am simply a fan!


  1. I just got April DeConick The Wool Palette revised Edition yesterday and I love it. I was going to post the picture on my blog but I read the copyright and I need her written permission so I didn't post it.

    Your colors are lovely. Are you using Cushing dyes? That is what April uses in her book. JB

  2. Yes we used cushing dyes~just five of them to get all color combinations~ I did some more dying today to get some butter colors and some summer green~FANTASTIC!!!! Good to hear from you Julia!♥E

  3. Love the red and yes summer strawberries would be super cute with that wool. I haven't tried dying yet but want too.

  4. Hello there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I have been enjoying reading yours. Hope you have a great weekend!


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